Friday, December 14, 2012

As I attempt to close up this class and sum up everything I have learned it is a bitter sweet moment. The main part of this class was this blog here that I am writing on now. This class has taught me so much from as complex as creating websites and embedding videos and links on them to simple things like uploading an image to a website and creating math based images. I did not even know how to make a blog and posts before this class so that's one of the most important thing I learned. I also learned how to create logos with vector based image instead of roster which is better quality for logos. My favorite part of this course was taking photos all around Toledo suburbs and editing them and making slideshows. Oh yeah! I also learned how to do some super cool mashup videos that incorporate pieces of a song I created myself (in this class as well). Phoebe Ballard was my instructor and I have already suggested her to like three or four people. You will learn a lot in this class and even if you're not "tech-savvy" she will help you with any problem that you may encounter in a very timely manner as well. The only regret I have for this class is not having enough time or energy to devote all that it deserves. I had a great time experiencing and learning what I did.
Thanks for reading another post of another day for my blog, The Good Outweighs the Bad <3

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose". This scripture speaks volumes to me and it just another example of what this blog is all about, the good outweighs the bad. This is a verse telling me that all things may not be easy, life may not be a bed of roses, and I may face trials, but in the midst of all that God is working all things together for my good. So even though I face trials and bad things may happen, as long as I keep my hand in His and follow His will, He will work all things together for my good!

Vector Logos

These are some logos I have attempted to create to match the theme of this blog! I am just trying to encourage others by showing what encourages me and my thought process! So I hope you enjoy these logos. And like the 2nd one says, give thanks in everything. Because everything happens for a reason and it molds us into the person we are today. :)

For times when I feel low

Okay so we are all human and we all have those days where we just want to give up and quit everything, because we feel its not worth it. But through these times I have found strength in the word of God and through some encouraging scriptures so I just wanted to share those with you all. Because maybe you will be able to find strength through them too. 

  • Jeremiah 29:11- For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

  • Isaiah 43:2- When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee

  • John 16:33- These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

  • Deuteronomy 31:6- Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee
  • 1 Peter 5:7-Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you

  • Philippians 4:6&7-Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

    Hope you enjoy! And remember the good really does outweigh the bad :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

3D!!! =D

Autodesk 123D -- My Corner

     This is a link to my 3D photo image. I created it by carefully taking 40 different pictures of an object and they all overlapped. This was my first time experimenting with a 3D photo and I didn't even know this was possible so I would anyone to try it out, I've already introduced it to my cousin and its awesome. I love the fact that you can download the app on the computer, use the web version, or download an app on your iPhone. Hope you enjoy :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Textorize 3!

Original Image
This is the image after Textorize 3

Original Photo
Textorize 3 photo :)

Image after using Textorizer 2!

Original Image

Textorize 2 photo

Original picture

Textorizer 1 Photos

This is the image after being textorized

This is the original image

Original image
Textoeized photo!! Images

Original image image

Original Image

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

For this weeks assignment we were supposed to take photographs of things that are unique but still the same in subject or whatever. I chose to use flowers because there are so many different kinds, colors shapes, etc yet they are in the end, still flowers. :)
I always enjoy anything that has to do with photography so I really liked this weeks assignment. Hope you all enjoy it and viewing mine as well.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

This image was created using "Flame Painter"

This is another image using "Flame Painter"

This image was created using "scribbler too"

This image also was created using "scribbler too"

This image is something I created using scribbler

This image is from scribbler also

Sunday, September 30, 2012

For my mash up video I thought of two movies that are similar is story (plot, theme, etc.). The two movies I found that I thought were similar was a movie called "Freedom Writers" and another movie called "The Blindside". Both of these movies have to do with people from two different worlds coming together and helping each other as well as learning from them. I thought it would be interesting to see the comparisons. So from there I looked up the trailers of these and used them on Windows MovieMaker. I not only used these two movies but I also took pieces of my mashup song and put it in with the trailers too. The process took quite I while since I had to cut the movie in several places and keep the pieces I wanted and delete the ones I didn't. I also had to rearrange the different segments of each video to where the stories flowed with each other. After arranging all of the different pieces I listened through and picked a lot of places where I could have my song incorporate and overlap the video (I adjusted the volume to both the video clips and my mashup song depending on which one In wanted to dominate and have the most attention). Once I had the basic flow of the video I decided to go in and add different transitions for each switch of video clips so that it ran a little more smoothly. After this I added a title page and an ending and began to save my video in a format to where I could upload it onto my YouTube account. I personally feel pretty confident about my video (especially when compared to my mashup song alone). I surprisingly enjoyed this project. I didn’t think I was going to because I didn’t like the last half on my mashup song but when editing I made it to where only the good parts of the song stood out on the video. J
This is a link to mt animoto video! =D

Monday, September 17, 2012

CVA: Edited Urban Photography

CVA by amandakohli

CVA, a photo by amandakohli on Flickr.

The past couple weeks for this Fundamentals of Digital Media class, I have been taking pictures of the urban lanscape in Toledo, OH and I have loved it! Now I continually find myself looking for pictures to capture in unique ways even though the project is over. I am a huge fan of photograqphy and hope to have some type of career in it in the future. I took every picture with my iPhone4 which is 5 megapixels (I thought it was 8 but I was wrong) with 720 pixels at a maximum. I always have my camera set on its higest resolution to get the best, clear and finest quality. While editing this photo I made the contrast higher and I also sharpened the image a bit to give it the look that it has. The picture was already a great one before it was edited so it did not take much editing to look how it does now. Another thing I did while editing was made it look like a beam of light was coming out of the top right corner and added on a border. :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sometimes in life it seems like nothing is going right, like no matter how hard you try life just isn't getting better. A lot of times the problem lies right within ourselves and just a simple change in mind and perspective can make all the difference. When it seems like life is so hard and you can't take anymore, just focus on the things that keep you alive and sane :)

This past year has been so chaotic. It seems like every possible thing that could go wring, went wrong. My mom backslid from church and went just about crazy, my 15 year old sister got pregnant, we lost our house, my mom lost her job, and my boyfriend I dated for over 2 years suddenly dumped me for no reasonable reason and I was in a horrible car accident with a semi. We were t-boned and I had 2-3 fractured ribs, lacerations, a broken C-2 (neck) bone, and because of that I had to wear a crazy contraption called a halo which was screwed into four different parts of my skull about 1 inch deep.

I could focus on all of those things all day everyday and drown in self pity, that would be easy. But it also would be very depressing and unhealthy, so as an alternative I want to look at the good things in life because in the end, they really do outweigh the bad! :)

Counting my blessings :) One at a time...

Even though the last year has been crazy, I have always had this peace within from God that was never shaken and I myself didn't go crazy! :)

I'm still sane :)


    I was in t-boned in a accident with a SEMI, flew 15 feet out of the car onto the concrete,  and still came out alive and smiling, barely any bruises and not paralysed. How can I complain?
    God is good to me :)

    This is me at the hospital with my halo


Although I don't have a place to stay of my own I do have wonderful loving grandparents who are willing to take my and my family in until we get back on our feet and stable

I love them they're so adorable

Xaviana :)
Xavier :)

← I have two special and beautiful 2nd cousins who can make any horrible day a good one within minutes of being around them :) →


    My sister might be only 15 and pregnant, but I'm going to be an aunt and I'm excited about that! :)I really hope it's a GIRL! :)

    I'm really hoping she has a GIRL! :)

    I have food to eat everyday (and my grandma is an amazing cook! Thats a blessing in itself) :)

    I got my halo taken out an entire moth earlier than normal people do and have a simple neck brace now! :)

     Never though I would be so thankful to have a neck brace on, :) All I can conclude with is that I am certainly blessed and any time I start to feel down in life I can look at this to keep me encouraged, and hopefully you too! :)
    THE END :)