Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sometimes in life it seems like nothing is going right, like no matter how hard you try life just isn't getting better. A lot of times the problem lies right within ourselves and just a simple change in mind and perspective can make all the difference. When it seems like life is so hard and you can't take anymore, just focus on the things that keep you alive and sane :)

This past year has been so chaotic. It seems like every possible thing that could go wring, went wrong. My mom backslid from church and went just about crazy, my 15 year old sister got pregnant, we lost our house, my mom lost her job, and my boyfriend I dated for over 2 years suddenly dumped me for no reasonable reason and I was in a horrible car accident with a semi. We were t-boned and I had 2-3 fractured ribs, lacerations, a broken C-2 (neck) bone, and because of that I had to wear a crazy contraption called a halo which was screwed into four different parts of my skull about 1 inch deep.

I could focus on all of those things all day everyday and drown in self pity, that would be easy. But it also would be very depressing and unhealthy, so as an alternative I want to look at the good things in life because in the end, they really do outweigh the bad! :)

Counting my blessings :) One at a time...

Even though the last year has been crazy, I have always had this peace within from God that was never shaken and I myself didn't go crazy! :)

I'm still sane :)


    I was in t-boned in a accident with a SEMI, flew 15 feet out of the car onto the concrete,  and still came out alive and smiling, barely any bruises and not paralysed. How can I complain?
    God is good to me :)

    This is me at the hospital with my halo


Although I don't have a place to stay of my own I do have wonderful loving grandparents who are willing to take my and my family in until we get back on our feet and stable

I love them they're so adorable

Xaviana :)
Xavier :)

← I have two special and beautiful 2nd cousins who can make any horrible day a good one within minutes of being around them :) →


    My sister might be only 15 and pregnant, but I'm going to be an aunt and I'm excited about that! :)I really hope it's a GIRL! :)

    I'm really hoping she has a GIRL! :)

    I have food to eat everyday (and my grandma is an amazing cook! Thats a blessing in itself) :)

    I got my halo taken out an entire moth earlier than normal people do and have a simple neck brace now! :)

     Never though I would be so thankful to have a neck brace on, :) All I can conclude with is that I am certainly blessed and any time I start to feel down in life I can look at this to keep me encouraged, and hopefully you too! :)
    THE END :)

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