Sunday, September 30, 2012

For my mash up video I thought of two movies that are similar is story (plot, theme, etc.). The two movies I found that I thought were similar was a movie called "Freedom Writers" and another movie called "The Blindside". Both of these movies have to do with people from two different worlds coming together and helping each other as well as learning from them. I thought it would be interesting to see the comparisons. So from there I looked up the trailers of these and used them on Windows MovieMaker. I not only used these two movies but I also took pieces of my mashup song and put it in with the trailers too. The process took quite I while since I had to cut the movie in several places and keep the pieces I wanted and delete the ones I didn't. I also had to rearrange the different segments of each video to where the stories flowed with each other. After arranging all of the different pieces I listened through and picked a lot of places where I could have my song incorporate and overlap the video (I adjusted the volume to both the video clips and my mashup song depending on which one In wanted to dominate and have the most attention). Once I had the basic flow of the video I decided to go in and add different transitions for each switch of video clips so that it ran a little more smoothly. After this I added a title page and an ending and began to save my video in a format to where I could upload it onto my YouTube account. I personally feel pretty confident about my video (especially when compared to my mashup song alone). I surprisingly enjoyed this project. I didn’t think I was going to because I didn’t like the last half on my mashup song but when editing I made it to where only the good parts of the song stood out on the video. J
This is a link to mt animoto video! =D

Monday, September 17, 2012

CVA: Edited Urban Photography

CVA by amandakohli

CVA, a photo by amandakohli on Flickr.

The past couple weeks for this Fundamentals of Digital Media class, I have been taking pictures of the urban lanscape in Toledo, OH and I have loved it! Now I continually find myself looking for pictures to capture in unique ways even though the project is over. I am a huge fan of photograqphy and hope to have some type of career in it in the future. I took every picture with my iPhone4 which is 5 megapixels (I thought it was 8 but I was wrong) with 720 pixels at a maximum. I always have my camera set on its higest resolution to get the best, clear and finest quality. While editing this photo I made the contrast higher and I also sharpened the image a bit to give it the look that it has. The picture was already a great one before it was edited so it did not take much editing to look how it does now. Another thing I did while editing was made it look like a beam of light was coming out of the top right corner and added on a border. :)